Our Lake Havasu Festival of Lights Weekend is quickly approaching, and as I'm sure you've heard, our group this year is quite large at 61, which is very exciting, but will require a bit more organization and planning so it will all go smoothly, safely and fun. That said, here's some important information:
Keepin' It Legal - Some of our riding may take us into California and Nevada, so prepare for compliance with helmet and firearms laws.
Friday 11/29 - Our ride to Havasu will be broken into 3 separate groups for safety and sanity:
West Side Group - anyone living west of I-17 (see below) will meet at the Sun City West Chevron (Grand Ave & RH Johnson Blvd) for KSU at 9:00am and will be lead by Tom Lucas (260) 438-7758
East Side Groups (2) - anyone living east of I-17 (all others) will meet at HDOS and split into two groups with staggered KSU times of 8:30am and 9:00am
The 8:30 KSU group will be lead by Rick Hilton (480) 510-9897 and will be joined by the Blumes and deAvilas at Carefree Highway and I-17 as we ride by. The 9:00 KSU group will be lead by Mike Flanagan (805) 402-5256
Friday Lunch: We've decided not to plan a formal lunch stop, and just ride on through to Havasu, so you may consider packing a sandwich or snacks that you can have along the way at one of our rest stops. On arrival at Lake Havasu, options will be to go into town for a late lunch, or head to the hotel to check-in (or vice versa). Suggest that if you're able to do online check-in, that would be a good idea, to ease the burden (and lines) at the hotel.
Friday Night - Dixie Belle River Cruise (You should already be reserved) Boarding available around 5:30 to view the lights and activities in the channel - Cruise is 7:30 - 9:00 Cash Bar and Snacks available onboard (no full dinner)Saturday
Saturday 11/30 Rides - We're going to break rides down into smaller groups by offering 4 different ride options. We'd like to limit each group to no more than 20. Sign up sheets will be available Friday evening and Saturday morning
Saturday Night Dinner - Catered dinner right at the Hampton Inn - Delicious, fun and convenient! $25 per person - must be prepaid!
Sunday Ride Home - No planned time or route - We usually have groups heading out at different times and different routes
Tour of Duty "Stampeders" - Rick will have 2025 maps available for purchase - 10 bucks
Reservations to make:
Primary Lodging location is the Hampton Inn - Lake Havasu City.
We have a block of 20 rooms reserved under Scottsdale Harley Owners Group, but it is booked as of 8/12. You can try reserving a non-block room at the website:
Hampton Inn - Scottsdale HOG Reservations (Click HERE)
or try another hotel in the area.
Friday night cruise
- Friday November 29th 7:30 - 9:00 pm $50.00/person (book online or call 928-486-5894)
- Boarding available as soon as 5:30 to view the evening events (channel swim, lighting, etc)
- Indoor (heated) or Outdoor seating options
- Cash bar and snacks (not full dinner) available for purchase
Dixie Belle River Cruise: (Click HERE for Web Page)
Saturday night dinner
- A catered Italian meal is being brought to the hotel, with special dietary options available
- Cost is $25 per person and needs to be prepaid. Will start collecting at October meeting and no later than November meeting. Cash or check only (checks payable to Joe Degumbia).
- All beverages are BYOB and if you want to bring an appetizer or dessert, it would be appreciated.
Anita needs a headcount by the October chapter meeting
Please be sure to RSVP here or directly to Anita & Joe Degumbia so we know who's going. Their email is [email protected] or you can call Joe at (404) 441-8696 or Anita (623) 499-8878 to RSVP, or with questions or assistance with reservations.
Closed Event: Chapter activities are conducted primarily for the benefit of H.O.G. Chapter members. Closed Events are those events open to Chapter members and one guest per member. All guests must sign an event release. Be aware, all rides and events are subject to change or cancellation due to weather or other circumstances beyond our control.
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