H-D App Tips and Tricks

H-D App Tips and Tricks

The H-D app is how Harley will be sending you points that you can redeem for purchases at the dealership (1 point equals 1 cent). YOU ARE LEAVING MONEY ON THE TABLE IF YOU DON’T USE THE APP!  For example, some of us got 500 points ($5) for registering for and watching the 2024 Harley model reveal video. YES, WE GOT PAID TO WATCH A COOL MOTORCYCLE VIDEO!  Anyone can get 100 points by using the app to do your first 2025 check-in at HDOS. Most importantly, your 2025 Ride 365 rewards will now be coming to you as points in the H-D app instead of a quickly-expiring gift card in the mail. Watch this video for more about points: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JnVUsaplol4

Tips for getting started with the H-D App:

  1. Install the H-D app on your smartphone: Find it in the Apple App Store (iPhone) or Google Play store (Android) by searching for “h-d”. It is the one with the bar-and-shield logo. Install it.
  2. Log/Sign in to the H-D app: Open the app and log/sign in using the same email address and password you use on the h-d.com website. If you’ve forgotten it, you can reset your password via email.
  3. Answer the survey questions: You will get 50 points just for completing them.
  4. Check your profile: Hit the circular profile button in the upper left corner. Hit the pencil icon in the upper right to edit. In “ABOUT ME” put as much info as you want, but please put “Scottsdale HOG 3160” in there so others can find you if you have a common name (looking at you, David Hayes!). Add a photo if you wish.
  5. Check your points: Your HOG membership is hopefully already linked with your H-D account/profile and you will see a HOG membership card in your profile in the H-D app. If not, watch this video:   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f34Uz5KpYoM. Click “View” and you should see how many points you have. Redeem them when making a purchase at the dealership (not before!)
  6. Join our Scottsdale HOG group: The main app navigation buttons are at the bottom. Hit “Connect” and then “GROUPS” and type “Scottsdale” in the search bar. Right now our HOG chapter group is the only result with Scottsdale in the name, so it’s easy to find. Click on it and join the group. More on groups: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0zz8yxeLfiE. You can also create your own group - we plan to do this on overnight chapter rides.

That’s the bare minimum: You can now track and use your points, and be able to connect with other chapter members. There is so much more the app can do, so play around with it. You can follow people, do your own posts, or post to our chapter group. You can send 1:1 messages to people using the envelope button in the upper right. You can record and plan rides, post them, share them, and download them to the navigation system on recent model touring bikes. See more on rides here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B8MoCZlihkk. You can also participate in the monthly challenges. All your HOG membership benefits including Roadside Assistance are explained in the app - watch this video for more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6H1LQwIjqBo. If you’ve enabled location services, the app will tell you about events in the area.

The app isn’t perfect, and sometimes crashes or fails to load info. But it is very valuable and powerful - have fun exploring it!

Chris Shaver's picture

Posted by Chris Shaver