Ride 365 Tips and Tricks

Ride 365 Tips and Tricks

You can help yourself and help our chapter by doing regular odometer readings for the Ride365 program. You get an H-D point for every mile, up to a max of 15,000 points ($150). If you have a passenger who is also a HOG member and registered in the program, you can double those points to up to $300. Our preliminary total for 2024 is 1,022,542 miles, and we are looking to beat that in 2025.

There are several ways to turn in mileage:

    •  Stop by HDOS and have a reading taken while servicing or shopping

    •  Send a photo of your odometer along with VIN, or just note the reading, and email it to our HOGmeister Glenn Dusz: [email protected] or the Ride365 chapter email list: [email protected].

Note: H-D is typically about two months behind on doling out the points, which show up in the H-D app, so please be patient. Your miles ridden should show up pretty quickly on the Ride365 website, however.

New 3160 members from other chapters: make sure you make HOG3160 your Ride365 chapter! Only you can do this, and it can only be done on the Ride365 website. Here's the process:

    •  Go to the Ride365 page (you must be logged in)

    •  Scroll down to the CHAPTER STANDINGS section

    •  Click on the tiny pencil

    •  Select 3160 as your chapter, then click "Update Chapter"

Is this intuitive? No. Is this simple? Only if you know where to look, and now you do. But it is worth doing, as it helps the chapter.

Further down the Ride365 page you will see sections for the DEALERSHIP CHECK-IN CHALLENGE and the 50 RIDES, ONE NATION CHALLENGE. This is where you submit the photos required for those challenges. For each 50 RIDES, ONE NATION ride that you complete and turn in, you get a really cool coin from H-D. Check it out and collect those coins!

Chris Shaver's picture

Posted by Chris Shaver